Kepemimpinan Visioner dalam Menentukan Arah Kebijakan Pemerintah



Making a policy is determined by leader who in the institution and has leadership style, style that owned will affect final result of to be issued. This study aims find out how applies visionary determining what are factors influence making Sidomulyo Village Government, Batu District, City using qualitative methods. The application data collection techniques this used interview, observation documentation techniques. results study, his area authority have right future plans been arranged regularly through predetermined processes. applied keeps village moving forward developing good direction well-organized development planning, community participation events organized empowerment an effort increase human resources. sidomulyo going well policies head always consider based on needs community.

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عنوان ژورنال: Aplikasi Administrasi

سال: 2023

ISSN: ['1411-4909', '2621-3958']